Monday, February 1, 2010

Nicki Minaj? who is this again?

Nicki Minaj? who is this again?
So, Nicki Minaj was a dike before she got signed? Listen all I want to know is how is she going to cover up rumors that she wasn't. There was videos on Youtube for almost 2 years. This one video is of a girl dressed like a dude saying she munches carpets and loves girls. Blah blah blah. Now Nicki is all dulled up and glam, umm right ?! Everyone can see it's her, by the New York accent and demeanor. How is she gonna deal with this? Bwahahaha

1 comment:

  1. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Nikki aint hiding the fact she bi....listen to "Baddest *****" by her and this link im bout to post on here...start on 1:00 on the 1st link, she says it Source(s): 1.…
