Monday, February 1, 2010

Do yu like Nicki Minaj?

Do yu like Nicki Minaj?
She is a rapper of course..but a lot of ppl think she is just a wannabe Lil kim or foxy Brown. I really like her myself but how do you feel about her? If yu dont know who im talking about look her up


  1. I think you could find a better role model......or is she perhaps a roll model...?

  2. She sounds like Roxanne shantevv word... she know she's gonna end up on a justin slayer flick, she just hesistating

  3. I heard her on MySpace. I think she's pretty good.

  4. she cute id hitbut uthat than that her swag is shitter and she get on da track like she jus woke up from a nap er sum ****

  5. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters LMAO she is a wannabe. She's just another one of Wayne's jump offs. Its not just a coincidence she sounds EXACTLY like wayne except he talks about and she talks about dikc.
